Space Science and Technology

Dr. Thomas H. Zurbuchen has taken up the Full Professorship of Space Science and Technology in the Department of Earth Sciences on 1 August 2023.

Thomas H. Zurbuchen was Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA from 2016 to 2022, and is an internationally sought-​​after expert in innovation and entrepreneurship. He will head the ETH Zurich | Space initiative, and plans to launch Switzerland’s first Master’s degree programme in space science and technology.

Thomas Zurbuchen
“I want to launch one of the world's best interdisciplinary master's degree programmes in space science and technology in order to train the next generation of space leaders.”
Thomas Zurbuchen
Thomas Zurbuchen, ETH Professor of Space Science and Technology

The Department of Earth Sciences has been involved in several major space missions over the past 20 years, sometimes in a leading capacity. The appointment of Thomas H. Zurbuchen – a world-​​class scientist with exceptional links to NASA, the ESA, national space agencies and the space industry – provides the department and ETH Zurich with the opportunity to play a decisive role in numerous future missions and other research activities relating to space travel (e.g. satellite data).


Prof. Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
Full Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences
  • NO G 51.1
  • +41 44 632 99 81
  • Detail page

Weltraumwiss. und -technologie
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr.  Thomas Zurbuchen
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